How do I register my product with the registration code?
  • After you purchase our product, you will receive two emails as soon as your order is processed. The first email will be a receipt confirming your purchase of our product. The second email will contain the registration code necessary to register your copy of our product.

  • Trail versions has limits like registration notice banner. In order to use full functioned copy you must purchase a license code. After that, you will receive a confirmation email which contains your registration code. Follow these simple steps below to complete the registration.


      First choose Property by right clicking the desktop and open the Screensaver program. Then click the "Settings" button. Or right click the short-cuts to 3D Photo Wall Screen Saver from desktop or program groups then select "Settings" or "Config".

      Launch application settings, and select "Buy and Register" tab. Copy and Paste the Email and Registration Code in the email you receive after purchase. Please do not type them manually! hit "register" button, if you enter registration, the program will show you "Register successfully!", then you get a full licensed copy.

  • Shortcuts
      Copy: Highlight an area, then hold 'Ctrl' + 'C'. To Paste: Click your mouse where you want the text pasted, and then press 'Ctrl' + 'V'.