Picture to Icon can convert ICON from images, which you can find from internet, such as PNG JPEG GIF BMP images. Picture to Icon is a professional image icon converter, which supports 32-bit color depth with an alpha channel, this kind of icon can be used in Windows XP, Windows 7, Vista; By which you can converter PNG to ICON, GIF to ICON, with semi-transparent easily. Also icons from JPEG, BMP, Screen can be transparent too. With just a few clicks, any image you find on the Internet, create in a paint program or any part on your desktop screen can be turned into an semi-transparent or total-transparent icon.
Picture to Icon can convert ICON from images, which you can find from internet, such as PNG JPEG GIF BMP images. Picture to Icon is a professional image icon converter, which supports 32-bit color depth with an alpha channel, this kind of icon can be used in Windows XP, Windows 7, Vista; By which you can converter PNG to ICON, GIF to ICON, with semi-transparent easily. Also icons from JPEG, BMP, Screen can be transparent too. With just a few clicks, any image you find on the Internet, create in a paint program or any part on your desktop screen can be turned into an semi-transparent or total-transparent icon.