Main Window

Password Dialog Window of exe-file encrypted by full version ExeGuarder

Password Dialog Window of exe-file encrypted by trial version ExeGuarder

Option window allows you customize caption,text,version,error message and so on

It allows you add Homepage and About button. Click Homepage to open your specify URL. Click About to show specified information.

Add trial period to your application by checking "Allow free trial". Trial period can be a few days, a few use-times or several minutes each time. Trial period can be removed by unchecking it.

Also, you can binding arguments to your exe-file.
If "Compress Exe File" is checked, the exe file will be smaller than original. Else it will keep original size.
If "Remember password" is checked, user only need to input correct password one time.

You can test or restore your exe-file at the last step.
Screenshots of Exe Guarder